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-可自訂訊息- 內含約10枝玫瑰 絲花建議取氣球當日使用..
-可自訂訊息- 內含約8-10枝玫瑰 絲花建議取氣球當日使用..
-可自訂訊息- 內含約8-10枝玫瑰 絲花建議取氣球當日使用..
Price including (Delivery charge except ) 價格已包(運費): -One 18" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 18吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -One Blue roses flower box  藍色玫瑰花籃一個 -Spark/Confetti/feather inside Crystal Bubble Balloon 閃絲/圓片/羽毛(放在水晶氣球內)  *Please leave comment at the last step of..
情人節玫瑰花束 (肯亞玫瑰)情人節送貨情人節期間 (2月13日-2月15日) , 將不設指定時間服務, 所有訂單將於9am - 6 pm送出情人節期間, 特別送貨收貨將作調整:緊急送貨附加費用+$200指定送貨附加費用+$500(包括在一段指定時間內, 或指定時間前送貨都需收取附加費) 情人節玫瑰花束..
特大情人節玫瑰花盒連水晶氣球約50支大紅玫瑰襯 多頭小玫瑰及加利葉, 近100支花組成  情人節送貨情人節期間 (2月13日-2月15日) , 將不設指定時間服務, 所有訂單將於9am - 6 pm送出情人節期間, 特別送貨收貨將作調整:緊急送貨附加費用+$200 指定送貨附加費用+$500(包括在一段指定時間內, 或指定時間前送貨都需收取附加費)..
氣球環 (情人節)Size: 2m*2m ..
Brand: Qualatex
包括: (所有氣球已連充氣)-一套8個36吋大英文字母氣球 I LOVE YOU <可飄起, 每個字母氣球連充氦氣及底座> (可選顏色:銀色/金色, 如不選跟圖顏色 )-一個大鋁膜氣球連充氦氣及底座  <如不選跟圖款式>-10個12吋粉紅色Will You Marry Me乳膠氣球連充空氣 (放地上, 不能飄起)-10個12吋白色Will You Marry Me乳膠氣球連充空氣 (放地上, 不能飄起) 加購充氦氣12吋粉紅色Will You Marry Me乳膠氣球 (可飄6-10小時)加購充氦氣12吋白色Will You Marry Me乳膠氣球..
Brand: Qualatex
包括:  (所有氣球已連充氣及絲帶-30個11吋可飄起乳膠氣球連充氦氣**及絲帶 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(珍珠白色+珍珠粉紅色+珍珠玫瑰色)**乳膠氣球只可維持飄起約6-10小時, 建議取氣球當天使用**-18吋心心膜氣球15個 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(紅色)-花瓣一包 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(紅色) 優惠加購+$168 一套 14吋生日字母氣球套裝(充空氣, 不能飄起, 可貼牆或玻璃或掛起) 加購求婚氣球加購生日氣球加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球注意事項: 1. 如你選擇自行取貨/..
Brand: Qualatex
包括:  (所有氣球已連充氣)-24吋發光LED羽毛*水晶氣球2個連自訂訊息及底座 (請留下水晶氣球上的名字/訊息, 可選字型, 字的顏色, 金色字/銀色字需另加$10) **請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(白色羽毛)-20吋LED水晶氣球波中波8個  *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(粉紅+深粉紅細波仔)-32吋心心鋁膜氣球1個連自訂MSG及底坐-18吋心心鋁膜氣球20個連膠牌仔 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(紅色)-200個10吋不能飄起放地面乳膠氣球連充空氣 **乳膠氣球充空氣不能飄起** *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(粉紅色+白..
Brand: Qualatex
包括:  (所有氣球已連充氣)-18吋心心鋁膜氣球30個 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(紅色)-30個11吋可飄起乳膠氣球連充氦氣**及絲帶 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(珍珠白色+珍珠粉紅色+珍珠玫瑰色)**乳膠氣球只可維持飄起約6-10小時, 建議取氣球當天使用** -花瓣一包 *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣(紅色) 加購求婚氣球加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球 注意事項:  1. 如你選擇自行取貨/送貨(未計運費),氣球會充好氣及綁好絲帶,可於結帳頁面選擇自取或送貨, 並留下日期,時間,地點等詳情。2. 如你..
Brand: Anagram
包括:  (所有氣球已連充氣)-心心氣球擺設連LED燈-獨角馬氣球擺設連LED燈-17吋水晶氣球內加白色羽毛*十個連底座 (羽毛可轉顏色, 如沒有選取跟圖:白色)-30個11吋可飄起乳膠氣球連充氦氣**及絲帶 **乳膠氣球只可維持飄起約6-10小時, 建議取氣球當天使用** -30個充空氣乳膠氣球放地上***需於至少一星期前預訂***加購生日氣球加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球注意事項: 1. 如你選擇自行取貨/送貨(未計運費),氣球會充好氣及綁好絲帶,可於結帳頁面選擇自取或送貨, 並留下日期,時間,地點等詳情。2. 如你選擇到場佈置(未計運費),我們會..
Brand: Anagram
包括:  (所有氣球已連充氣)-心心氣球擺設連LED燈-獨角馬氣球擺設連LED燈-17吋水晶氣球內加白色羽毛*十個連底座 (羽毛可轉顏色, 如沒有選取跟圖:白色)-30個11吋可飄起乳膠氣球連充氦氣**及絲帶 **乳膠氣球只可維持飄起約6-10小時, 建議取氣球當天使用** - 玫瑰花盒***需於至少一星期前預訂***加購生日氣球加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球注意事項: 1. 如你選擇自行取貨/送貨(未計運費),氣球會充好氣及綁好絲帶,可於結帳頁面選擇自取或送貨, 並留下日期,時間,地點等詳情。2. 如你選擇到場佈置(未計運費),我們會有專人..
Brand: CTI
可自選顏色配搭- 熱氣球佈置 1PCs- 50Pcs 11" 乳膠氣球 (氦氣可升起) (升起約8-10小時) - 50Pcs 11"乳膠氣球 (空氣)..
- 1Pc 心形支架 ( ~180cm * 80cm)-  6pcs 400mm 水晶氣球 (可加MSG, 每個+$30) - 30Pcs 乳膠氣球充空氣..
尺寸: 60cm (H)高 x 60cm (W)闊x 60cm(L)長包括:-禮盒上字句  (如不需要可不加)-24吋LED發光水晶氣球*一個連自訂字句-10個5吋充空氣不能飄乳膠氣球**可選多色, 請註明或與我們聯絡(Tel 2153 2700/ whatsapp 9791 1132)-充氦氣氣球連絲帶-盒面蝴蝶結***可選多色-氣球底座一個打開禮盒方式可選A/BA) 打開盒蓋四面會散開B) 打開盒蓋四面不會散開水晶氣球可自由加配:   1. 羽毛 +$20 (放在水晶氣球內)   2. 5吋細氣球五個 +$25 (放在水..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Five 5" small balloons inside Crystal Bubble Balloon 5吋細氣球五個(放左水晶氣球內)  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Feather inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的羽毛 *Please choose the color at the comment in the last step of the checkout process, otherwise will use the co..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Spark inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的閃絲 *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣 -Two 18" C..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Five 5" small balloons inside Crystal Bubble Balloon 5吋細氣球五個(放左水晶氣球內)  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Two 18" Color Crystal Bubble Balloons 18吋顏色水晶氣球兩個 -Two 18" Super Agate Crystal Bubble Balloons 18吋彩紋水晶氣球兩個 -One Balloon Weight 氣球底座一個   Floating time..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Feather inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的羽毛 *Please choose the color at the comment in the last step of the checkout process, otherwise will use the co..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon (color-print template) 24吋水晶氣球一個 (彩印範本) -Spark inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的閃絲 *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣 -Four 18" ..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Balloons inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的五個5"細氣球  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  2..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Feather inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的羽毛  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  24" Cry..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Spark inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的閃絲  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  24" ..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Balloons inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的五個5"細氣球  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  2..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Painting inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  水晶氣球內的彩繪   Floating time飄起時間:  24" Crystal Bubble Balloon: 5-7 days 24吋水晶氣球: 5-7日   請留下想印在氣球上的姓名或與我們聯絡(電話2153 2700/ whatsap..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Feather inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的羽毛  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  24..
Price including (Helium filled and ribbon) 價格已包(充氣及絲帶): -One 24" Crystal Bubble Balloon 24吋水晶氣球一個 -Spark inside Crystal Bubble Balloon  放在水晶氣球內的閃絲  *Please choose the color, otherwise will use the color same as template *請選擇顏色, 否則採用範本式樣   Floating time飄起時間:  24" ..
尺寸: 40cm (H)高 x 40cm (W)闊x40cm(L)長包括: -禮盒上字句  (如不需要可不加, 請漏空) -禮盒上蝴蝶結 (可選顏色)-一個17吋水晶氣球連充氦氣及絲帶, 內有一個11吋乳膠氣球  (可選款式)-10個5吋充空氣細乳膠氣球 (不飄起) *可選混色兩色*5個5吋充空氣細乳膠氣球  (可選細氣球顏色一)*5個5吋充空氣細乳膠氣球 (可選細氣球顏色二)-小禮盒作氣球底座一個 (size尺寸: 8cm x8cm x8cm)*可選多色, 請註明或與我們聯絡(Tel 2153 2700/ whatsapp 9791..
Brand: CTI
白色心形氣球束飄空時間:6-10小時尺寸: 100cm*100cm*30cm..
25606     情人節酒杯氣球束
Out Of Stock
Brand: Anagram
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球   *..
30085	蜜蜂熊仔愛情鋁膜氣球套裝
Out Of Stock
Brand: Anagram
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA可另加配自選訊息+$55 (加自選訊息在2個淨色氣球上, 可相同或不同訊息)請在CHECKOUT最一步的COMMENT位留下氣球訊息詳情或與我們聯絡(電話2153 2700/ whatsapp 9791 1132)。如:白色, Disney字型1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2. 01.01.2017*圖片僅供參考Photo for reference Only FontAngilla Tattoo Disney  Motion Picture&..
Helium filled with ribbon and balloon weight 連充氦氣, 絲帶及氣球底座 Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a..
36776   情人節氣球套裝
Out Of Stock
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球   *..
Brand: Anagram
Print: Double Sided.Origin: USA連充氦氣及絲帶 可另加配自選訊息+$55在這套鋁膜氣球中其中兩個淨色氣球上加,單色單面自訂訊息, 可相同或不同訊息請留下氣球訊息詳情或與我們聯絡(電話2153 2700/ whatsapp 9791 1132)。如:白色, Disney字型1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2. 01.01.2017*圖片僅供參考Photo for reference Only 可選字型Angilla Tattoo Disney  Motion Picture..
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球..
Size: 34" Filled with Helium Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球   ..
Size:  37''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Brand: Anagram
Size:  37''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 一個氣球連充氦氣及絲帶飄起時間:2-5天加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球如需加購氣球配件:膠牌仔@$2:  只可綁一個18吋鋁膜氣球/11吋乳膠氣球氣球底座@$10: 可襯成氣球束, 綁住氣球, 防止氣球飄走大透明膠袋@$5:  可放2-4個36吋大氣球,包裝氣球方便拿取/乘搭地鐵 如有任何問題, 歡迎聯絡我們,謝謝!電話: +852 2153 2700WhatsApp: +852 9791 1132..
Size:  38''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  69x71cm  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloon..
Size:  See-Thu 28''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holdi..
Special Function: Prsee "Tap to Play" to play a song   (按 "Tap to Play" 可播放音樂) Size:  28''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE&nb..
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  30"  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 b..
連充氦氣及絲帶的價格 22吋進口透明氣球 飄起時間:1-3天   Size: 22”Helium filled with ribbon  Origin: USA  Flying Hour: 1-3 days     Size:  22''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需氣球中加配5吋細氣球, 請於Comment欄位註明5吋細氣球的顏色,如紅色X2, 黃色X1 Please state ..
27630     35" Love Bears
Out Of Stock
Size:  35''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA..
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球   *圖片僅供參考Photo for reference On..
Size:  27''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  22"  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 b..
40134	30吋性感咀唇大氣球
Out Of Stock
Brand: Anagram
一個氣球連充氦氣及絲帶飄起時間:2-5天可另加配:+$30加單色單面自選訊息/+$55 單色雙面, (可自訂字型和字的顏色, *金/銀色字需額外+$10)(如需其他特別要求, 請聯絡我們以便另行報價, 謝謝!)電話: +852 2153 2700WhatsApp: +852 9791 1132加購淨色鋁膜氣球加購淨色乳膠氣球如需加購氣球配件:膠牌仔@$2:  只可綁一個18吋鋁膜氣球/11吋乳膠氣球氣球底座@$10: 可襯成氣球束, 綁住氣球, 防止氣球飄走大透明膠袋@$5:  可放2-4個36吋大氣球,包裝氣球方便拿取/乘搭地鐵 如有任何問題, 歡迎聯..
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  29''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided.  ..
08403	Simply Said We Love You
Out Of Stock
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Brand: Anagram
Size:  26''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
18" helium filled with ribbon Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 ballo..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size:  17''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
31809	To My Wife Thanks For All You Do
Out Of Stock
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 bal..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Brand: Anagram
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Brand: Anagram
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of..
Size: 11'' Helium filled with ribbon  Origin: USA Flying Hour: 6-8 hours   如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch..
Size: 11'' Helium filled with ribbon  Origin: USA Flying Hour: 6-8 hours 如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of ball..
$16 為一個氣球連充氦氣及絲帶的價格 11吋美國進口乳膠氣球 飄起時間:6-8小時 (建議取氣球/送貨當天使用) 延長氣球飄空時間至約20小時-24小時(每個氣球+$10)   $16 for 1 pc  Size: 11'' Helium filled with ribbon  Origin: USA  Flying Hour: 6-8 hours     如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座/大透明膠袋可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Please go to Othe..
I LOVE YOU字母燈(8個字)..
15423-18     18" I Love You Roses Pattern Balloon 我愛你心形玫瑰鋁膜氣球
Out Of Stock
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA..
Size:  30''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided...
Size:   Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA..
I ❤️U字母燈(3個)..
MARRY ME字母燈套裝-MARRY ME (7個字)-紅心心1個-白色波波燈一串..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA..
Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 連充氦氣及底座 Helium filled with weight   請在CHECKOUT最一步的COMMENT位留下氣球訊息詳情或與我們聯絡(電話2153 2700/ whatsapp 9791 1132)。 如: 白色, Disney字型 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY  2. 01.01.2017 *圖片僅供參考Photo for reference Only   You can add customized message (+$..
1套13個字母, 用於貼牆或玻璃 不能飄起,可自行充空氣 HAPPY BIRTHDAY  ..
Brand: Anagram
Size: 21" filled with helium Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA 如需要膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for holding a bunch of balloons (6-7 balloons) 可綁一束6-7個氣球   ..
Brand: Anagram
32吋粉紅毛毛公主心心鋁膜大氣球連充氦氣及絲帶 Print: Double Sided. Origin: USA..
Size:  18''  Helium filled with ribbon. Print:  One Sided. Silver foil Back.  如需要膠袋/膠牌仔/氣球底座可到其他服務Other Services>配件Accessories 選購: Plastic Weight膠牌仔: for holding ONE 18''Balloon/ONE 12" Latex Balloon 只可綁一個18"/12"氣球 Balloon Weight氣球底座: for hold..
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